Michael Safyan

Favorite news sources

News sources


RSS Feeds

My favorite way to read the news is through RSS readers, which make it easy to aggregate news from a very wide variety of sources. This allows me to have wide readership on topics of interest from a wide variety of news sources, including those on the center-left and center-right that I trust for establishing key facts and trusted in-depth analyses as well as from less well-known sources which I treat with skepticism but that are useful for discovering topics/stories that require further investigation/reading and that I might not have discovered otherwise with the more limited sources.

The *.opml file that you can download using the button above contains my personal RSS subscription configuration. That file can be imported into most standard RSS reader applications, if you want to easily subscribe to the sources I read.

RSS Feed Reader Apps


Below is a selection of some of my favorite news sources for each category.

I nevertheless recommend reading via the *.opml file in your favorite RSS feed reader.

In-Depth, High Quality Analysis
US News
World News
Tech News
Israel News
Jewish News
Tolerance and Equality News

My statements are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Google Inc.